The upcoming live-action family adventure feature Vinski ja näkymättömyyspulveri (Vinski and the Invisibility Powder), directed by Juha Wuolijoki, produced and distributed by Snapper Films, has been awarded two development subsidies in April 2016.
Vinski ja näkymättömyyspulveri has been granted a development support of 50.000 euros by Creative Europe MEDIA Programme last week. At the same week, the film was also awarded a development support of 25.000 euros by the Finnish Film Foundation. Earlier Vinski ja näkymättömyyspulveri has been issued a full scriptwriting grant and another development support by Finnish Film Foundation.
Vinski ja näkymättömyyspulveri is based on a beloved children’s novel Koko kaupungin Vinski (1954) by the well-known author Simo Puupponen aka Aapeli. The screenplay is written by Mauri Ahola and Juha Wuolijoki.