Christmas Story #1 Finnish film of the year

Christmas Story has become the most successful Finnish film of the year. With total admissions of more than 225.000 in six weeks, the live-action family movie has overwhelmingly topped all of its competition.

For the week ending December 27, Christmas Story took its customary place at the top of the Finnish box office chart, beating out such competitors as New Line Cinema’s Golden Compass, Disney’s Enchanted, and Warner Bros’s I am Legend, as well as Finland’s first-ever full-length animated feature, Quest for a Heart, all of which had their premieres after Christmas Story.

In fact, Christmas Story has occupied the top box office spot for five of the last six weeks, only briefly giving way to a Finnish war movie during Independence Day weekend. The holiday film, distributed by Sandrew Metronome, opened across Finland on November 16 and promptly knocked the previous front-runner, Disney hit Ratatouille, to second place.

Christmas Story is the feature debut by Juha Wuolijoki and recounts the unique and amazing journey of Santa Claus on his way to becoming the Santa that the world knows and loves. Canada-based world sales agent Delphis Films plans to organize the film’s international market premier at EFM in Berlin in February.